battle brothers nimble forge

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Unlock two extra bag slots. It isnt necessary (or feasible) to spam Gash of course. Anticipation on everyone: High cost for ranged mitigationAt a high teamwide cost in perks, you could use Anticipation on everyone (or at least all Nimbles). The less obvious question is how to evaluate going for a Duelist vs. a 2Hander. Duelist drastically increases damageDuelist is a strong enough perk that it enables an entire build style that would otherwise be completely ignored without it. In this specific team composition, Anticipation can actually provide pretty good value. Gain additional 20% experience from battle. Raising armor levels at the expense of the Nimble value may decrease durability while costing more FAT. Beginners start to panic when a character armor is gone because it meant certain death in the early game. 2Hander AoE: 3+ hit AoE requires being surroundedThe three tile AoE sweeps from the Greatsword/Hammer and the six tile sweeps from the Greataxe/Flail require you to be engaged by 3+ enemies to get full value on. As if the durability gains werent enough, this makes Indom extremely good in fights against Unholds and Orcs who are the main users of such abilities. Waiting will not count as an ended turn and effects will persist until you specifically end the bros turn Goblin Poison, Shellshocked, and Withered will start in their weakest debuff state If a bro acts and uses all of his AP and then waits and is then hit by a status effect, it will still disappear when he officially ends turn, even though he technically already acted before the status occurred. It isnt uncommon that I see people say that Backstabber is an easy +10 accuracy for Polearms but this isnt the case. Even high SKL bros can benefit from accuracy perks, but lower SKL bros will benefit more. FA helps average recruitsIt is a common sentiment in the community that any bro who might want FA should just be fired and a better bro found, but this misses the point. The reason is that many of the existing guides are outdated in regards to the DLC, only offer brief advice on the perks, focus too much on the end game, or have information I disagree with. Early-mid game it's better anyway, so the time period where you really rely on whatever bros you can find, Nimble Dodge is better. Injury immune enemiesAlps, Schrats, Ifrits, Kraken, Dogs, and Undead are immune to injuries where CS will provide no value. Battle Forge removed for Legionnaires and Auxiliaries. I will say again that Colossus is better than Brow on Forge units and you should only use Brow after Colossus is already taken. FencersDuelist is an auto-pick for any Fencing build. Still needs to satisfy other requirements for 2h sword . The bonus goes to +10 when Shieldwalling and that is quite good, even if you probably wont be Shieldwalling all of the time unless it is a super tank build that never attacks. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. Then next turn you let the enemies attack into your Heater and then switch back (4 AP) and attack (5 AP). So the immediate reaction would be that Bullseye just doubled your accuracy in this situation. Manhunters are similar, getting extra bros on the field. Duelist OrcThe Head Chopper/Splitter are the strongest 1Handers in our arsenal, but they are very heavy and come with additional FAT penalties on swing. You want to keep your talented prospects alive and Rotation can help, whether it is on the talent itself or on lesser bros. MartyrsI dont like designated martyrs personally, but if you are into that and the guy survives for awhile then he may find some use in Rotation to save other guys who are more important. At night she slips out into the woods and secretly teaches herself to become the cleverest, most nimble knight in the land. Wars and ally unitsYour own Dogs and ally units will not turn off LW, so in the Noble/Holy War and sometimes in the other Crises you can get LW value with much greater safety by hanging around a friendly squad. Fencers can also easily activate Berserk for Recover efficiency. While I would recommended that you raise that aggressively and use things like Colossus so that you arent injured by the enemy sneezing, 9L can help alleviate the risk of having low HP levels if you are concerned about durability. You can be successful with LW and Ironman once you know what you are doing, despite the dangers. In that regard, the damage formula works against Steel Brow and Head Hunter, because critical hits are weaker than you might expect assuming there is a helmet to help absorb the blow. LW can even help an archer shoot elevated Phylacteries. Taking Pathfinder makes it easier to skip Recover for example, depending on build of course. Anti-Nimble: Many weapons fall into the 1-14 Fearsome Window early[/b]Nimble does a great job of protecting your HP while your armor is in tact. Every section has been modified slightly, wordings changed, things added or removed, etc. Modified RES is your current RES after Fearsome penalty, any buffs (like the Banner), debuffs (like negative morale), and hidden modifiers like adjacency bonus/malus. Keep in mind the added FAT cost of carrying around multiple weapons/items. Bannerman: More ResolveThe Banner wants to stack as much RES as possible to improve his Rally consistency and increase the party wide buff that the Banner grants. Even though Forge doesnt improve heavy armor as much as Nimble does light armor it still provides a decent amount of durability making it a valuable, if optional, perk. Make no mistake, spending a whole turn on Recover is a huge cost. Tanks want to hold down dangerous positions so that other teammates dont have to. Raising your bros RES makes it easier to pass the Rally check to improve morale. Against relatively tanky enemies like Chosen/Conscripts, having CS can help setup injuries, but isnt strictly necessary. Forge: Indom solves your biggest weaknessForge does a great job of keeping you safe against most enemies but is extremely vulnerable to high Ignore% attack such as those from Chosen 2Handers. Nimble extraordinary HP damage reduction is tied to FAT penaltyNimble reduces the amount of HP damage received. Sometimes it is great and other times it fails you. Expected armor saved thanks to Forge is shown in the last column.AttackerBaseForgeDiff.Diff.%+ArmorAmbusher17.5721.644.0723%108Guard6.457.711.2620%121Chosen2.622.840.228%78. Fencing: Relentless increases Lunge damageFencers deal more damage the higher their INI so Relentless doubles as a damage perk in this build. Hammer tends to tie or beat Mace against enemies with even somewhat low armor, but the Mace is a more balanced weapon overall. It is probably better to think of Indom as insurance on these units as well, rather than something you expect to cast every turn. In this way, Gifted is actually very strong on a bro with 40+ MDF already. Anti-Goblins: Goblins are vulnerable to one hit killsGoblins have low armor and low HP which makes them especially vulnerable to one hit kills compared to other factions in the game. Pathfinder makes it easier to skip RecoverPathfinder saves FAT over the course of a fight and can make a big difference to the viability of a fully Fatigued unit still operating decently without Recover. Now it can serve as a damage perk that should be considered with and against the likes of Executioner and Frenzy. (To uninstall just remove the zip file from the data . For sake of simplicity we are going to say that our Chosen rolled 80(middle) on his HP damage roll and 90(max) on his armor damage roll. Adrenaline supportAdrenaline costing 1AP makes Pathfinder more enticing on Adrenaline users, as there are many cases where not having Pathfinder can mess up your Adrenaline tactics. Bro has a Heavy Crossbow and no perks except with or without Crossbow Mastery. Test example of Duelist impactThe following is a test of Winged Mace vs. 30 enemies and adding the total mean hits to kill each enemy. Only Indomitable can achieve such results but not passively. A safe back liner can get away with less. Skipping FW means you can be more aggressive with your archers, but dont get greedy if you arent comfortable. I said before that enemies arent stupid except that they can be. Early game: More injuries with weak weaponsIn the early and maybe into the mid game as well you dont have top of the line weapons and dealing injuries to Raiders/tougher with low tier shielded one-handers or with low tier ranged weapons isnt very likely without CS. Adrenaline gives you very strong opening turns or timing pushesThe most straightforward use of Adrenaline is to spend your first turn and round waiting. 6AP 2Handers have better AP synergy with skills like Rotation/Footwork, but Duelists have better AP synergy with Indom. Taunt doesnt deal any damage which becomes a concern when you start getting outnumbered. Mastery allows you to shoot every turn, assuming you dont have to move. Vs Light Chosen (145 hat, 140 body): No Perks: 5.17 shots to kill on average. This fight can become a disaster quickly if you cant avoid some of the Charms. Dagger MasteryDaggers/Qatal can attack three times per turn with Mastery which means three Overwhelms. Given that enemies have defense and some of them high, it is hard to have too much SKL. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Experiment yourself or look to other guides for that purpose. Two, you have the FAT to use Decapitate when enemies are below half health. Nimble builds can take Relentless if they want INI support, and Gifted if they just want more stats. Once per turn, upon killing an enemy, 4 Action Points are immediately regained. If you dont have any clear shots then move to a better position rather than shoot at half accuracy. Brawny may be more enticing if your bro wants to be spamming expensive skills like Indom or Adrenaline. If you would like to see how helpful FA is with 80 MSK against some Chosen, refer tothis forum post. It also pairs well with ranged weapon hybrids since Bow shots cost 4AP and Crossbows can shoot or reload with 4 AP. Gunners make for one of the better Bullseye targets. ft. "Valley Forge Lounge" with giant fireplace, reclaimed barn wood beams, leather seating, catering kitchen and humidor. Try and get high defense and then use Reach to further complement it. 2Handers can deal high damage on capped Fatigue2Handers generally do not need Recover unless you are pairing it with some other expensive skill (i.e. Some enemies are immune to Fearsome. In the early game when you are running around in Thug armor, gaining 15+ HP from Colossus is actually a pretty big increase in your total durability. The earlier you deal an injury the more time the debuff has to give you value, and the earlier you can setup your own or other Executioners. If you dont care to Stun or care about FAT then you can skip Mastery here. Theres a clear downside here in that the perk does nothing to prevent bad situations from occurring, it only gives you a chance to salvage those situations if they do occur. That does mean you will often waste HH stacks, but overall HH will increase your kill rates against Goblins, which is helpful when you are trying to gun down 30 of them. When trying to decide between Reach or another perk, try and make a guess as to how much defense you are going to generally be getting. Otherwise, LW is quick ticket to the obituary. Otherwise, Nimble should be considered. Worse yet, attempting a rescue will turn off LW. This works better on bros with poor stars, where you are more likely to be ok with skipping low rolls in SKL/DEF to level other stats. If they either don't have enough MDef to survive without Dodge (Reach Advantage and Gifted are good for this as well), or if they have so many stats that need patching I don't think I'll be able to level Fat enough, use Nimble. If you are highly aggressive then fights can usually be won before Fatigue becomes a problem. Only Indomitable can compensate for low HP in that case, but its an active skill that requires AP and FAT. Anti-slow and heavy unitsUnits like Warriors, Schrats, Ancient Dead, etc. ThrowingQH is pretty good here. It isnt just useful against Goblins. Dodge is a compliment to proper defensive investment, not a substitute for it. Bianca can handle this herself!. If your Resolve target is 60 (going from 48 to 60) then you are getting 3.75 level ups worth of stats here (including Banner gain), and Mind starts competing better. Download the zip, and place it in: steamapps/common/Battle Brothers/data 2. Is Gifted bad in the long-term?No. Berserk regains 4 on a kill. The second way to get more Reach value is to attack more times per turn. Inner formation Underdog is usually only worth +5 defense, which can be beat by other perks if you are tight on space. Anti-Orc/Barbarians: Your shield wont last long without Shield ExpertOrcs and Barbarians have dangerous axes and 2Handers. Its a good perk, potentially exceptional, but understand the pros and cons and make the choice that works best for your bro and needs. The lighter your armor and helmet, the more you benefit. Without Pathfinder you cant claim a high ground tile and Forest/Snow will lock you in place, taking away this mobility advantage. If you dont want to put Executioner on all of your range units then try and pay attention to their Initiative stats. WhipsWhips are commonly combined into Polearm builds for Disarm utility. 2H Cleavers, Warbrand, Rhomphaia: Attack twiceThese 2Handers are unique in that they attack for 4AP instead of 6, allowing you to get two attacks per turn and multiple chances to gain Reach stacks. Anti-Barbarians: Chosen hit hardBarbarians are the most dangerous faction in the game right now because they like to swarm you with a bunch of dangerous 2Handers that do a lot of armor ignoring damage. All rights reserved. Makes use of the character's current health, current helmet and body armor durabilty, Steel Brow, Nimble, Battle Forged and active Indomitable. A full set of 300/300 armor also costs about 14k Crowns, money that could be otherwise spent on weapons, recruits, or named items. Those criteria are for good bros, the ones that can keep my company thriving into late game. You can also manipulate Savants into wasting turns this way. It does also save a few points of HP against attacks hitting through your armor, which is welcome. Alternatively, Indom can simply serve as an opening move for Orc charges, or as a insurance button should your 2Hander find himself in a bad position. Fortunately, Nomads tend to attack first and debuff after, which isnt the smartest ordering of their actions. If you want to make use of 9L, consider also grabbing Rotation or Footwork on that bro, and Rotation on other team members as well. Personally I take it on everyone now and recommend it at least on some builds, but I also played the game for over two years never using it at all. Premium heavy injuriesFractured Skull and Concussion are among the best injuries in the game. Fencer: High INI frontline build is going to want DodgeFencer is an obvious build that appreciates Dodge. If you are interested, check outthis threadwhere I tested various Duelists vs. Handgonne: Up to 6 targets for checksEnemy Gunners have Fearsome for a reason. Most agree that Relentless is a core pick on Fencing builds. Dragon Quest Rivals. A tank doing this can jump into or near the Ambushers, forcing them to waste time moving around instead of shooting. Therefore if the first hit does 5 damage you get a proc, and if the second/third hit then does 7 and 8 damage thosedo notget procs. FA reflects on hit chance, not raw SkillThe % values above in the charts are provided for hit chance and not a bros base Melee Skill (MSK) or Ranged Skill (RSK). Categories. What makes Duelist so strong? One is that they tend to put themselves in danger, so having an out is good. Goblins are also very fragile. You should be solidly in control or outright winning by the time your Dodge value is waning. Anti-Geist/Priest/WarlordThese enemies all have AoE skills that reduce your teams morale. Student also lets you reach further down the perk tree without committing to a real perk above. HH is a respectable damage perk nowHH got reworked in BD and is no longer as dubious/weak as it was in the past. MDF is a crucial statShield Expert is a decent to strong perk that combines a number of bonuses into a nice package that overall adds up to make it a pretty easy pick for any bro who is going to have his shield out at all times. Nimble benefits more here than Forge. Next round starts and you attack again giving you 1-2 rounds of attacks in before the enemy can retaliate or defend themselves. So a nimble 109 fat bro is minimally viable, but forged will need at last 137, or 150+ without Brawny. This build can work very well in Goblin fights with the Goblin Trophy to prevent rooting (and Resilient to protect from Flies). Misconception Indom allows me to get away with bad MDFSort of, it is definitely worth considering Indom if your defense is bad for the extra insurance, but surviving more hits will not necessarily save you if you cant avoid anything in the first place. This is a long commitment to make for your Spetum bro so the extra Reach defense can be appreciated if multiple enemies manage to get through. The Flail can also be used to setup much more powerful weapons with HH stacks. It's both dude, so the bf and nimble stats are both there at the same time, Yeah I know what you mean pal and I'd nearly always take dodge on a nimble bro and nearly all my tanks are BG. + Dropping enemy morale is good+ Allows for additional morale checks and increases their success chances+ A Fleeing enemy is essentially a dead enemy Benefits slightly from RES investment, but does not require it Enemies already suffer some degree of morale issues without this perk Some enemies immune, Normally, a morale check is procd when you deal 15+ HP damage Fearsome allows a morale check when you deal 1-14 HP damage Will display a Fearsome icon when enemies are damaged, if they arent unbreakable Applies a penalty to the targets RES equal to 20% of your RES in damage based morale check calculations, presumably this rounds up in favor of the Fearsome user by rounding down targets RES Ex. If you have any advice for improving the guide or want to offer a differing opinion then please feel free to share in the comments. It does not do very well in certain battles where you face a small number of durable enemies. Gifted competes against other perks as wellThere arent very many ways to gain accuracy. if Martell didn't have the cocky trait, he would have won. Reason two is that enemies understand reason one and they will prioritize shooting Nimble units instead because they dont understand that Crossbows are bad against Nimble units. Backstabber starts adding up toward the end of the battle as the enemy team crumbles and you can more easily stack more surround bonuses. battleforged dude vs nimble dodge relentless overwhelm duelist is like The Mountain vs Oberyn martell. ( Squire vs Hedge Knight) You can gain a squire brother in ( Lone Wolf Origin Squire ). If you want to throw these then QH is handy. If someone needs saving and your only Rotations are on your zoned frontliners who cant move and get there then you are in trouble. This makes Underdog highly desirable here to help mitigate against the increased attacks and surrounding. Bullseye doesnt make shooting guys in cover reliable enough to make me want to actually try shooting them (best you can get is 47.5% chance, i.e. Dont expect anything on the Warriors though as you wont deal any damage through their armor. Indom is not a passive effect and expensive to spamOf course, the downside to Indom is that it is not a passive effect. I will continue to update the guide as we and the community get more experience with BD. Crippling Strikes (CS) reduces the required threshold by 33%.Injury Type%HP Damage Threshold%HP Damage Threshold with CSLight Body25%16.67%Light Head31.25%20.83%Heavy Body50%33%Heavy Head62.5%41.67%, Hitting the heavy injury threshold does not guarantee a heavy injury, you may get a light injury instead Heavy injuries are not always better than light injuries There are 3 different damage types cutting, piercing, and blunt that inflict different injuries Some Beasts are unable to receive certain injuries (i.e. Accuracy perks can help you more consistently land your hits to both turn Frenzy online and keep it going after. My Banner also only gets 2 surround bonuses, not 3, even though there are 3 other bros adjacent from my Banners perspective. Indomitable, Taunt, and/or Nets will prevent Warriors from pushing and should be used to control the edges. Each ranged weapon has different to hit modifiers and the Handgonne has a different distance mechanic which can make it confusing. If you have Resilient as well then the Charm will wear off without ever actually doing anything. Duelists/2H Cleavers: Attacking with IndomAs per the change to 5AP Indom, If you want to attack and put up an Indom in the same turn, then you will need to use these weapons. Injury deliveryGiven the higher Ignore% of Duelists and multiple attacks per turn, they can be very good at delivering injuries on first hit to most enemies, even without CS. This is highly dangerous though, and more often than not you wont actually get or want 6 enemies on you. Taunt has some limitationsDespite the utility that Taunt offers it suffers from two problems that lead to it commonly being disregarded by the community. Is under such a low risk of dying that he's better off 'protecting' his allies by doing a bit more damage. On the first or second turn you will be engaged with the enemy melee units which grants your units cover. Then Brawny will apply after, rounding up again Ex. Goblin Shaman/OverseerAs annoying as these guys are, with high RDF and Anticipation and decent enough health to take multiple shots, shooting them in cover is a really bad idea. 2Handers: Berserk synergy or insurance buttonThe nerf to 5AP took away the natural AP synergy that 2Handers used to enjoy with the 3AP Indom. Yes it makes it easier to shoot covered targets, but you shouldnt be shooting covered targets because you are choosing to half your accuracy when there are probably plenty of guys out in the open you could be shooting at with high accuracy instead. Tanks: More controlEnemies will try to avoid fighting tanks if they can reach weaker targets. So using Recover just to use more AoE is actually not that impressive when you consider you give up a whole turn just so that you can hit 2 or 3 enemies next turn with a weaker attack when you could have just taken those two turns using two single target attacks. 60 RES puts a -12 penalty on your targets RES for damage based morale checks. Your RES for purposes of the Fearsome penalty includes the Banner buff, Lone Wolf, etc. The chance of a morale drop when taking damage depends on your current modified RES and % of missing hp (after subtracting damage taken). Does not affect damage from mental attacks or status effects. Therefore, you dont have to compare it to other perks except in the short term, but that short term cannot be fully ignored. Taking Taunt on a skilled unit doesnt make much sense because you could be spending your time killing instead of Taunting. In that regard, Frenzy isnt helping you at the start of the fight whereas something like Executioner can be setup for you by another bro. A complete database of Shakespeare's Monologues. This means more help for Orc weapons and less help for Famed items that have cheaper FAT costs Saving FAT also helps you maintain higher INI In addition to saving FAT, all Masteries come with some other weapon specific benefit Hybridized weapons (such as Goedendag) benefit from Mastery depending on which skill they use. Deal more damage, despite the dangers Kraken, Dogs, and more than. Cost of carrying around multiple weapons/items successful with LW and Ironman once you what. Are immune to injuries where CS will provide no value serve as a damage perk that should be in! Of them high, it is great and other times it fails you +5! Improve morale raising your bros RES makes it easier to pass the Rally check to improve battle brothers nimble forge won before becomes! 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battle brothers nimble forge